THE FIRST DAY OF FEBRUARY 1998!!!=D--------heya people!!! Last nite wuz MISSIONS FEST! WOO HOO!!! lotsa loud music! WAY HYPER BAND! total enthusiasm, it wuz just AWESOME! oh ya, it's the youth rally i'm talking about...they had the coolest speaker! he totally touched my heart, all his stories about how other people's lives were touched by the Lord..for all of you who missed it this year...MAKE SURE YOU COME NEXT YEAR! it's the BOMB! School again tomorrow...ick...start of a new semester, hopefully the start of a new and more interesting school life. a big G'LUCK to all my wonderful friends out there who have midterms coming up! study hard and take care =D le 25 Janvier, 1998-------------gooooood mornin' everyone! =D (okay, it's 11:22pm but i can still say good mornin' can't i?:) soo...'sup with you all? let's's i went to Church this morning and Ryan came too! which is just awesome!!! um..i would just like to tell him that i'm really happy that he's considering coming to church means alot...and i just want u(ryan) to know dat everyone's prayin' for ya and that if ya ever need to talk, we'll alwayz be here to answer your questions to the best of our ability! =D a BIG G'luck to everyone out there who has finals coming up...i totally sympathize avec partage ta douleur <--hee hee...sorlee 'bout that, i just remembered sum french thing that we did on phrases or something or another of that sort. sooo..let's see..wut else? oh ya! NEone out there who hasn't seen TITANIC!!! COME WITH MEEEEE!!! i'm sooo desperate to go see that movie!

Jan. 20---------Here i go again!!! heya ppl! i am..sitting at home.. at 11:15am on a TUESDAY morning..WUT ON EARTH AM I THINKING? yup..i should be at school..but i'm just sooo sick of it!!! (puhlease don't tell my mommy) first 2 blocks i basically sit around and do nothing so i'm not missing much, in i get more time to study for my provincial! (and catch up on my sleep) hee Newayz, me's just chattin' wif a cool friend of mine and this relationship with God thing just came tell you the truth, i'm completely and utterly lost in that departement...of course i'm trying...but sometimes things just don't go rite. And then there's also this e-mail that i just got from the Rubber Duck, and it just explains things soo well! THnx RD..just wanted you to know dat you're e-mail and forwards and continuous support means alot to me and has helped BIG TIME! so Newayz, just wanted y'all out there to know that if you're hafing sum difficulties wif your walk with God, just look for him and he'll lead you towards the rite track! Aiya...i guess i REALLY should be in skool rite now...i feel so bad, here i am talkin' 'bout how God's so wonderful and how he provides for us all, and yet i'm takin' advantage of that and disobeying my OWN morals, and not to mention my NEwayz, i guess i better jet, to be continued..same DoS page...Same DoS time! =D

Jan. 18-------HELLOOOOOO WORLD!!! WOO HOO...ya...i'm a bit hyper rite now... hee hee...let's would be..Sunday the 18th of January, so wut'd i do that would be worth mentioning? well..i went to church...and there wuz this pastor Miller (i think that's it..correct me if i'm wrong) speaking and he wuz purdy interesting..had alot to say! all 'bout living for God and " doing unto others and you would have them do unto you" and helping others and loving one wuz pretty awesome...makes u think, many of you out there REALLY love someone? i mean loving sumone as in according to scripture,

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres -1 Corinthians 13:4-7

That kind of love, described in the bible...looks hard to achieve doesn't it? well...but u'll alwayz know that that's the kinda love that God has in store for you no matter wut =D and the reason behind all of this? is just to tell you that we should love one another and use 1 Cor. 14:21 as a guideline...try to follow it as close as you can...oh ya..another that humans strive for perfection...but the truth human being will ever be perfect! so just as long as you do the best you can..that's already perfect because you've put all you can into it which means that there's no way u coulda done better..therefore it's perfect! =D just in another way! aiya...yaw yeew fun gaw lah...ha chee seen joy geen la! signing out, DoS *poof* <---copyrite=maddy

January 17, 1998-------HEYA!!! k...i'm just adding anodder pg cuz i had such an awesome day and i decided to update y'all on everyfing!!! NEwayz...sooo..k..first thing i do is wake up....of course it's a SATURDAY so i getta sleep in! WOO HOO! so i get up and everything's just fine and dandy when i realize...woah..the house's so quiet... so i got upstairs...and NO ONE'S HOME!!! AHHHH!!! which means i gotta make my own being my lazy self make the simplest thing ever that's not artificial or dehydrated or full of msg or has glucose as the first ingredient (heh heh..that's alwayz good for first thing in the morning!) i made sum cheung fun...den went SKATING!!!! dat wuz sooo much fun!!!!! i hafn't skated for like..YEARS! so of course the first thing i do is FALL ON MY BUTT! =D hmm..then wut? oh ya! SKATING! (sorry... lost track) yup yup...and den i met sum purdy cool ppl..Ryan and Rolly.. who're sumwut related to Care in the strangest and most confusing way! hee hee..but dat's okee..cuz it just makes things more interestin'..who else wuz there? i can't remember everyone..but dere wuz Care Kat Dora Elim Emer Sharon Jeff Agnes...Goah came l8er on...and whoever else wuz dere.. sorlee for missing ya! that wuz skating...then we went back to de church office and hung for awhile...(i got sum semi zzz's in ;p) den it wuz off to din din and fried bananas!!!! hee hee...ewie..sounds so gross... um..wut next? oh ya! Fellowship! and bible study!!! it wuz cool, learnt sum stuff 'bout God and Jesus being the same God and "Deity" stuff... JW's and cults and stuff...scary stuff...then came home and now it's fun gaw time!!! =D WOAH!!! i rote so much! better stop now! dat wuz my day....zzzZZZzzzz